The memory of the future.
It's not simply about admiration. It's more about embracing exploration and experimentation. It's about constantly raising the bar.
And with this, our creative process. It's how we work.
Artists are visionaries, free, open to all nuances of the future, even the most shadowy ones. Their task is to show us new pathways, new viewpoints, and new opportunities. Our task is to translate them into tangible value and cutting-edge household appliances, thereby introducing smart and innovative solutions to the market. Taking risks, exploring, and even making mistakes.
Our founder instilled in Elica the belief that art is an ethical model. An engine of creativity, innovation, progress, sustainability. It is him, to whom we dedicate our work. It is him, the namesake of our creative ‘workshop’.

Fondazione Ermanno Casoli.
The Ermanno Casoli Foundation (FEC) was established in 2007. Its aim has always been to promote activities in which contemporary art serves as an educational tool and method to spark innovative processes within the workplace.
A pioneer in exploring the potential of the dialogue between art and business, FEC has become a model for corporate training in Italy, thanks to art activities aimed at involving the employees and their families.

Every year, art graces the company in with regular events that garners international acclaim and recognition. Two key activities: E-straordinario and the Ermanno Casoli Prize , both entailing a series of workshops where internationally renowned artists work together with Elica employees to create artwork which then stays with the company.
This special collection has been featured in the Global Corporate Collection (2015), a volume dedicated to the 100 best artistic corporate collections worldwide, and in the publication promoted by Confindustria “ Il segno dell’arte nelle imprese. Le collezioni corporate italiane per l’arte moderna e contemporanea” (2024). ( "The Sign of Art in Businesses. Italian corporate collections for modern and contemporary art").
The Ermanno Casoli Prize is awarded to artists who demonstrate a particular sensitivity to social issues and fostering joint efforts.
Starting in 2013, E-straordinario for Kids, an art workshop specifically designed for the children of employees, was introduced to complement these two projects.