Profesionálne inšpirácie
pre vašu kuchyňu.
Naše elektrospotrebiče sú navrhnuté tak, aby zlepšili váš život v kuchyni, a to ako prostredie, tak aj spôsob prípravy jedál a receptov.
Preto sme študovali pokročilé riešenia profesionálneho varenia a pretlmočili ich do inovatívnych a zároveň ľahko použiteľných funkcií určených pre vás.
Ste skúsení šéfkuchári?
Alebo skúšate svoje prvé recepty? Akékoľvek sú vaše zručnosti v kuchyni, ponúkame vám najmodernejšie nástroje, ktoré sa ľahko používajú.
Niekoľko príkladov: s rúrou Lhov môžete kombinovať tradičné varenie a varenie v pare; naše rúry umožňujú kombinovať tradičné varenie, varenie v pare a mikrovlnné varenie, ako aj regulovať vlhkosť jedla (aby bolo suchšie alebo šťavnatejšie, podľa vašej chuti).
Naše varné dosky sú vybavené aj funkciami Melting, Warming a Simmering, ktoré umožňujú rozpúšťať maslo a čokoládu, ohrievať krémy, variť zeleninu alebo polievky bez neustálej interakcie a rozlievania vody.
A to nie je všetko: automatické režimy varných konzol, varných dosiek, rúr a vínne pivnice zaručujú špičkovú kvalitu výsledkov varenia a vynikajúce uchovanie vín.
What is YouChef?
Melting Mode.
Everything melts for the better. Tired of melting the butter and chocolate and having to stir them continually or burning them? The secret? Keeping the temperature always below 50°, this will never happen again.
Warming Mode.
Slow cooking, delicious results. Conceived for slower cooking preparations, ideal when warming up milk or broths, for the preparation of custards or sauces preventing them to overheat and keeping your prepared food warm.
For those who love speed. Super quick cooking, heating or defrosting with the aid of the microwave oven. By now a must.
Simmering Mode.
Enough of boiling over! You can simmer your food for longer. No more excessive boiling or spilling over from your pots. No more tough food or burnt pans or saucepans!
Perfect Heat.
Stable heat, perfect cooking. Your oven will maintain the heat at a stable temperature, maximising efficiency and performance thanks to the well -structured and insulated oven cavity. Need to prepare a quick pizza? High temperature is just what you need.
The good and proper cooking. This cooking mode will exalt the taste and nutritive properties of all your recipes: vegetables, meat, fish, bread. Crispy outside and juicy inside.
Moisture Control.
Condensation vapours: yes and no. Choose between moist or dry cooking, it will hold back or remove any vapours produced inside your oven cavity.
Food Probe.
Is it cooked inside too? You can now monitor the internal temperature in each and every preparation with this temperature probe. No more heat dispersal. You can now monitor your cooking times more accurately and not have to open the oven door.
Bridge Zone.
XXL pots: there is room for them too. Having problems with oval-shaped or bigger-sized pots? This function transforms two cooking zones into a bigger size one, ensuring you the same power level and constant temperature for a homogeneous cooking
Each wine its own dedicated space. A divider separates the white from the red wine so that it can be better stored. Each section of the wine cooler ensures optimum temperature of conservation and tasting.